EvilScript For Kali Linux

EvilScript : All things to do after installing Kali Linux and Add more awesome hacking tools to your Kali Linux system.
- change source.list kali linux rolling
- modify video tutorial links
- add more tool
- add vmware-tools
Watch The Video & Subscribe 

Here Is The Link Of EvilScript : ( https://github.com/MrEvilbot/EvilScript/ )

  1. Open Terminal 
  2. git clone ( LINK )
  3. cd Desktop
  4. ls
  5. cd EvilScript
  6. chmod +x  (file)
  7. ./(file)
Enjoy :)

1B Wordslist For Brute Force Attack By Evilbot

Hello Everyone ,
                              Today i'm gonna share with you guys something cool and amazing ,
I'm going to share with you guys Best 1B wordslists for Brute Force Attack with the most common and amazing passwords.
For Any Brute Force Attack I'll Recommend You Guys To Download This Amazing 1B Dictionary!!
Hope You Guys Will Enjoy :-
