Ghost Squad Hackers Leak Data of US Military Personnel

Ghost Squad Hackers Leak Data of US Military Personnel
All three data dumps amount to 3,415 records
Ghost Squad Hackers dumped the data of US military personnel, according to a Facebook post published today.
The data is on a website on the Dark Web but was added to PasteBin after a few hours as well.
Group leaks data for around 3,400 servicemen
Dump #1 contains 433 records. For each record, with very few exceptions, there's data included such as a person's name, phone number, address lines, city, state, ZIP code, country (all US), email address, age, gender, and income level.
Dump #2 contains 232 records. For each record, there's an email address, first name, last name, address, city, state, ZIP code and phone number.
Dump #3 contains 2,750 records. For each record, the data dump may include a full name, email address, date of birth, address lines, credit card number, credit card expiration date, credit card CVV, credit card type, and two fields marked APO and AE. APO may stand for Automatic Payment Order.
Group says leak is part of ‪#‎OpSilence‬
"The final release for #OpSilence Army database leaked, your empire ran by banks will fall US GOV," the group wrote on Facebook. "You must view these leaks in Tor Browser we are not jeopardizing our freedom."
OpSilence is a hacktivist campaign launched by Ghost Squad Hackers at the start of June. When announced, the group told Softpedia that OpSilence was a campaign against mainstream media sites because they failed to report the true crimes happening in Palestine and Syria.
Previously, Ghost Squad Hackers had also been at the core of OpIcarus, a campaign of DDoS attacks against banks in several countries.
The hackers are associated with the Anonymous movement but have recently started to promote their own name via OpSilence.
Group Squad Hackers loses its leader
One of the most infamous such incidents occurred last summer, when the US killed Junaid Hussein in a drone strike. Hussein was the former leader of the TeaMp0isoN hacking crew, but at the time of his death, he joined the Islamic State's Hacking Division called the Cyber Caliphate.
Maybe this is the reason why, approximately one hour before Ghost Squad Hackers leaked the data, its official leader, a hacker known as Gh0s7, announced on Twitter he was leaving the group.

About Author:

Evilbot is a young Information System Security Geek also giving classes of Pentesting.

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