The Ultimate JavaScript CheatSheet

Hello everybody, and welcome to E-Techs. JavaScript is a very important language to learn for Hackers. So, that's why, we are here to provide you a base in JavaScript.

Firstly, we are going to build some programming base for our Aspirant Hackers. The most important skills for any Hacker is the programming skills he/she possesses. You are going to need a lot of programming in your Hacking Career for developing your own tools or finding some vulnerability in the code of any website or software.
Today, we are going to continue our JavaScript tutorials series. As a Hacker, I cannot forget the impact of JavaScript as a Skill for Hackers. Its a must especially for those who want to learn Web Hacking. And remember that “2016 is Javascript” no matter if you are a programmer or Hacker.
Javascript is rapidly moving towards Server Side Scripting, and it will soon become a major Client Side and Server Side Technology for Web Development. That’s another good reason to learn Javascript right now.
Today, I realized that I should also post a CheatSheet for JavaScript. It will help you to brush up your JavaScript concept every time you feel like getting frustrated in JavaScript. So, here it is. But, before diving into the code, make sure to watch the video along with this code.

The Ultimate JavaScript Cheat SheetPlease Click Here   

About Author:

Evilbot is a young Information System Security Geek also giving classes of Pentesting.

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